by Bobby Xiao in August 18, 2019

When is Ch 19 going to be free?

 by Z in August 19, 2019

Hi Bobby, we currently have no ETA for this.

 by Zerzo in August 23, 2019

Some sort of time frame, please? I just want to see the story conclude, and maybe get my Kathy epilogue. If I had known the end wasn't out yet, I never would have begun. I've never been good with cliffhangers, more of a binge-watcher.

 by X in August 26, 2019

Are you people ever releasing ch19 for free. Haven't patrons endorsed you enough.

 by Henry in March 29, 2020

I played Heidi epilogue but it ended so soon. And it said I completed just ending not epilogue ending of Heidi. What’s wrong with this. Where I went wrong? Plz reply faster.

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