by Morag in September 1, 2019

I must say your work in creating such an amazing game is worth playing it. I wish I could support you on Patreon but , at the moment, I don't have the chance to do so. By the way, when is the "Chapter 5" going to be released for free?

 by Z in September 2, 2019

Thank you Morag, we appreciate you playing our games and I’m glad you enjoy them! We currently have no dates set for the next free releases.

 by David Kearney in September 1, 2019

Another great chapter. It felt very dialogue heavy w/o any real Johanna progress though.

 by Z in September 2, 2019

Glad you enjoyed it David, I’m sure that’ll happen eventually, we’ll have to wait and see! 😉

 by Chaz in September 11, 2019

Great game. Love the renders, characters and the music. By the way, is it possible to download the music of the game?

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