Chapter 19 of DFD is out on Patreon! Click here to access it.
We definitely hope you enjoyed DFD as much as we did making it, and that you look forward to the extra DFD stuff starting next month for $10/$20 patrons, and maybe down the line, a season 2 (if people want it).
CH19 keeps saying I'm dating Lily but I'm dating Amanda. Is it a bug or a glitch in the game?
Take a look at the bottom of the Patreon post — We’ll also be releasing cheat codes very soon to help you achieve all the endings.
Hopefully in the future!
Uhh... How did I not think of a second season? THIS MUST HAPPEN
Are you guys gonna make a season 2 if not please do the story was amazing I would love to see a season 2
Will the cheat codes for the endings be available for free players? Also ETA on when the other chapters will be F2P? At the time of posting Free is up to chapter 16
They'll just be for Patreon's for now, but I'm sure they'll be put out there by the time it's released for free. Currently our focus has been on DH2 and CH19, but we'll get to CH17 as soon as we can! :)
Amazing ending to an amazing game. That cliffhanger Amanda ending though, please make a 2nd season.
Glad you enjoyed it David, thank you for the support!
For season 2 you could have an entire storyline, like a journeyesc story, around you and the character you picked, doing this would obviously take longer than 1 month per chapter but I wouldnt care
I think your team would benifit hugely from a lovejoint instagram page
It’s something I have considered, maybe in the future! :)
Season 2 must happen! The story writing on this game is straight up phenomenal 👌
Season 2 HAS to happen. This game has phenomenal story writing and the cg modeling is stellar. Keep it up guys, you got me hooked!
I have to agree with everyone. We NEED season 2 PLEASE!! Greatest game and story ever. This was honestly a masterpiece. Thank you. Supporting on Patreon right away
Hopefully one day Nogard, thank you so much for the support! Glad you enjoyed it!
Thank you so much!
whens it being released for free much love btw
How much we still need to wait for the free version? More than 12 weeks are gone, even more than the usual 6-8 weeks ...
When can we please have the free version? I thought it ended on ep 18 so I raced throught the entire thing only to be left with a clifhanger! Nevertheless this an excellent game, surprisingly good plot, great characters, overall great job! Just hurry with the free version please!
will there be a Chapter 20? 19 was kind of a cliffhanger
I would have paid if I found about it earlier but for one episode it's a little weird...from a capitalist point of view :) If season 2 from DFD comes out, I will be one of the first new patrons but until then...please release ch19 for us outcasts too :(
:( is it ever goin to come out for free ?
Yes, Chapter 19 will be released for free like all our our games.
I think what he means is when? It's been about 4 months since it was completed.
^^^ is it ever coming out? I know it’s dumb complaining about something coming out for free but it has been like 4 months, what’s gives? There’s already two epilogues out after this, 19 and the first epilogue should both be out by now
Hi i want to see free chapter19 on Daughter on desert wait an answer.
Part 2 will have new characters ??
No season two has been planned or confirmed at this time.
when will it be free?
Well, I don't know what to say exactly. We don't have to think that everything is available for free. So, it's even right if this chapter will be never published for free. But, at the same time, we also have to say that a promise is a promise, and as a promise has to be mantained. The promise was: "free publication every 6/8 weeks". Almost 8 MONTHS are gone, no trace at all of this chapter for free users. I don't have anymore any interest or hype for it. And I think that leaving the support for free users can't help to increase the popularity of the game or the patreons. What I have to write is wrote. I'm just curious to see if at the 28 April 2020 this game will still to be published for free, and this would be very funny.
DFD CH19 will be released for free very soon, we are currently working on implementing the epilogues into the main game, to give you everything we have left for DFD. We apologise about the long wait, we are a small company with one coder and have had to fully focus on DH, our new engine and other projects. We always said the 6/8 weeks was something we aimed for, not completely set in stone. I’m not sure where people have got the idea we will never release it, that’s not what we do. We’ve said all along it will be released for free, and it’s coming very very soon!
i wouldn't want better gift for Xmas..i'm praying for this. Hope so :)
It won’t be long! On a side note, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! :)
Are you guys gonna make a season 2 if not please do the story was great and I would love for it to continue