Hello everyone, we hope you’re all keeping safe and well!
As you know, we’ve all been very busy behind the scenes producing the next update.
Our planned timeline for updates is 6/8 weeks (meaning there is a release at least every other month on Patreon) and this time it will be more towards the 8 weeks, with an update planned to arrive towards the end of May. There is a very exciting reason for this, but we’ll keep our lips sealed for now and let you discover it when you play the game! 😉
We have taken your feedback on board and are doing our best to make changes based on that. We are sure that it’ll be worth the extra wait!
Hopefully everyone is looking forward to the next release, and we hope to get it to you as soon as possible.
Speak soon,
The Love-Joint Team!
Isn't it Shale Hill? Someone didn't have their coffee before typing out the headline for the article :)
My bad! Thank you for pointing it out :)
Hi LJ team, Roman again. I just wanted to wish you guys the best of luck and a great day. I for one am excited for the next release. Also, Zed, I think you made a little oopsie with the title.
Hello Roman, thank you for the kind words! I hope you're doing well. My bad, changed now! Thanks for pointing it out.
Love your work guys. Hated the story aspect of the games when I first came across your games. But after a while and after a few games, the story started being MORE Interesting then any sex scene (not that I don't like them hm ;) ) So great job here! Why isn't Play with us (one) and Play with us two under the "Games" Section? You can still play it, TROUGH the love joint website (if you have the link). Both games are really good! Would be awesome to have ALL games under the Games section. Twily :)
Hey Twilly, I'm glad you like the games! We hear that a lot from people, many come for the sex and stick around for the story. PWU is not linked as it would go against Patreon TOS, meaning we can't officially support it or link it anymore. I'm sure you can find it online! 😉
I want is shale hill secret for free game like yes