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DFD Ch8 released for $10 patrons

Chapter 8 of DFD is out! All you need to do to play is be logged in your Patreon account in your browser, click the "UNLOCK WITH PATREON" button and then authorize it. Enjoy! Click here to access it.
Published by Ricky
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DFD Ch 6 released for free!

Made for Chrome/Firefox. Note that there is a download option inside the game if you don't want to run this online. However, you can not mix download/online versions if you want to continue on your previous path. E.g: If you played the first chapter online, you have to play the…
Published by Ricky
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Join us on Discord guys!

We love talking to you, getting feedback, holding contests, posting spoilers for upcoming games, and just doing general weird shit. So join our Discord. It's open to everyone and I promise you (probably) won't regret it! Palmer
Published by Palmer
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DFD Ch 5 released for free!

Made for Chrome/Firefox. Note that there is a download option inside the game if you don't want to run this online. However, you can not mix download/online versions if you want to continue on your previous path. E.g: If you played the first chapter online, you have to play the…
Published by Ricky
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DFD Ch6 released for $10 patrons

Wow! What an absolutely crazy month! A lot of tme have been dedicated to adding major changes to the script and engine, and implementing, among other things, a customization option. The reason we added this is pretty self explanatory. Join us on Discord for more information. Unfortounately, this has also…
Published by Palmer
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DFD Ch 4 released for free!

Made for Chrome/Firefox. Note that there is a download option inside the game if you don't want to run this online. However, you can not mix download/online versions if you want to continue on your previous path. E.g: If you played the first chapter online, you have to play the…
Published by Ricky
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DFD Ch 3 released for free!

Made for Chrome/Firefox. Note that there is a download option inside the game if you don't want to run this online. However, you can not mix download/online versions if you want to continue on your previous path. E.g: If you played the first chapter online, you have to play the…
Published by Ricky
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DFD Ch 2 released for free!

Made for Chrome/Firefox. Note that there is a download option inside the game if you don't want to run this online. However, you can not mix download/online versions if you want to continue on your previous path. E.g: If you played the first chapter online, you have to play the…
Published by Palmer
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