Double Homework – Episode 11 has been released to $10/$20 patrons!
$20 patrons get access to a special Amy scene, all images, and exclusive cheat codes.
Double Homework – Episode 11 has been released to $10/$20 patrons!
$20 patrons get access to a special Amy scene, all images, and exclusive cheat codes.
On mobile, past the group picture, the game doesn’t resume and stays on a black screen :/
Hello Storm, are you still having this problem? Please read the post for our advice when playing on mobile!
this is just overkill all the girls on 1 spot all in bikini what is going on here
When is episode 9 gonna be released?
Now, we're officially 3 episodes behind :D
When is episode 9 will be released for free 😶?
Please release episode 9 and 10 for free soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t want to sound entitled, but you guys have fans out here who don’t have the extra money to support you every month that are waiting somewhat patiently for more episodes. I’m fine with waiting longer but the patrons that pay 20 bucks are getting extra scenes and episodes as soon as they come out and the free guys are about 4 episodes behind now. Just saying to not forget about your “freebie” fan base.
Just release Ep 9 and 10 goddamit. Not all of us can pay 20 bucks but we still await eagerly for the episodes to come out, so how about you pay a li'l more attention to those who hang around for 2-3 months just for another 20 min long episode which may or may not have any sex scenes
We last released an episode of Double Homework for free just over a month ago, we do pay attention to it. We appreciate that not everyone can afford to be a patron member, that is why we release all our games for free eventually. For people to think we 'forget' about free players is absurd, we've released an episode for free almost monthly currently. We do not have a set schedule, and we recently explained why we don't.
Ive been patiently waiting for so long for the release of episode 9 please make it happen cause not all fans can afford patreon
We understand that, of course we appreciate anyone who plays our games, that is why we release them for free.
Man, I feel sick reading those comments... Feels like you guys HAVE to do what they say. Just chill a bit, they'll release when it's done, so sh*t up and be grateful by the work Z, Palmer and others are doing. Oh and, thanks for the game, I think it's been amazing so far.
Right? I'm glad you said something. I was starting to think I was the only one over here thinking, "It's free, why are you complaining?" It's not like they set a specific schedule and missed a date or something. Either pay to support their efforts and get it sooner or wait patiently for when they're ready. I think it's just awesome they release all this great content free. They don't have to do that at all!
Yeah, but even if they did a schedule, I don't care about it, you know? We are talking about (by my way to see things) about a high quality game here, and it's for free after all, so I don't get it why people are so frustrated. Yeah, they are probably late to post eps, but who cares? They might have their reasons and we don't have to remember his works every single day. I am excited to play new episodes too, but we have to understand they are doing what they can, so we just have to wait and don't matter how long.
Love your work and can't wait for the next one
i know that the comments right now are full of demands for the next episode and i know it's not gonna happen but what if something special happened on valentines day?
I understand that the comments are full of people who cant be patient right now but i would just like to ask if anything special is happening on valentines day?
Episode 9 should come out on valentines day for us lonely people aha that’d be good
come on guys...we are suffering here in valentines day..atleast release them now....make our day awesome...
Alredy saw episode 11 , awesome work and I love it. But if ,,Blank'' planned all that scene at the end ,,Blank'' is not gonna be one of my favourite characters.
When is episode 12 going to come out.
At the end of this month for patrons :)
What date for episode 12
End of the month for patrons!
If I pay $20 will I get bonus scenes from episodes that are already free or are they like a limited offer?
Hey, if you become a $20 patron you will receive all content ever posted in that tier!
Sorry I leave in a country that I can't pay the money when this game is going to be released for free so that I can play it
I mean the episode 11 and 12
Hey! We have no ETA for Episode 11 just yet, we only just put out Episode 10 for free!
Can episode 11 be free
when is episode 11 and 12 will be free
No ETA right now.
When is episode 11 will be free
I just want to say i love the game and plan on supporting your patreon when i get a job. I know this must be repetitive but when is episode 11 released for free?
Hi Zed If I pay $20 per month can I watch Melody as well as double homework too
Hello Blaine, Melody is not a game made by us, so no :)
Wow absolutely love the content as always!! Can't wait for the next episode!!
Glad you’re looking forward to it!
When will Ep 11 be free?? Waiting for a long time...
When will ep 11 come out for free
When will ep11 be out for free?