A nice preview of a scene with Morgan if you want to go that route in the game!
We haven’t published any previews from DH Ep 12 on Patreon so far this month, which some of you have commented on and requested. We did do a stream where quite a few work-in-progress images were shown, but since you wanted previews here, we’re only happy to oblige.
The reason we’ve been quiet here on Patreon is that we do not want to spoil anything from this episode, so we have to be very careful what to show. I guess the above image is sort of a spoiler, but it’s of course an optional route, which you are probably accustomed to at this point. I suppose another thing I can say is that Morgan’s character development is quite spectacular in this episode.
If there’s time, we’ll post more previews!
Double Homework – Episode 12 will be released to patrons at the end of this month!
Finally Morgan's path is getting some love. Can't wait for that episode.
did mc bought a car? or is it just a cab?
Please release the episode today
It'll be released at the end of the month like always, it's already a shorter month than normal!
Finally more of Morgan! :)
She's a beauty!
Honestly, the only thing left I would like to see/get would be a Footjob from Johanna.
Did I miss sex with Amy??? I played 11 episodes... can someone help? Thanks!
I think you need to date her in her studio, then agree to go to the theater with her ask her to help you pick the food with you then in the jacouzzi she will come to you and you will have the choice to have sex or not.
Hell yeah! I've been waiting for something to happen with Morgan for so long. Can't wait for this.
Really like Amy and Morgan they are the best two characters IMO.Am here to give you props on making the perfect absolutely hateable villian character in Dennis.He is the very definition of weasel that you want to kill and his appearance is dead on perfect.
Footstuff from morgan would be the best thing on earth
Please do some footstuff.
Isn't there an oppotunity with Rachel in this episode. Impossible to see it again...
There is a scene with Rachel in Ep12 but it depends on your previous choices. You can try to use the variable editor to tweak your choices and get it: https://dh.love-joint-games.com/DH/variable_editor/f/