Another quick preview before the episode is finished and released today. We hope you are hyped for it just as we are to release it! It’s actually the hardest one we’ve ever written and designed. Maybe some day, when there’s time, we can explain more about how we create these episodes, and how extremely difficult it is. Especially with episodes like this one. By the way, we’ve also released a chapter or episode + bonus content monthly for almost 3 years in a row without break now. I guess that doesn’t make it easier, despite being so enjoyable.
Don’t forget about the awesome $20 scene that’s also coming today. I mean come on; the MC, Rachel, and Rachel’s mom. It’s hot. To put it mildly.
See you in a few hours with the release of the episode and all the bonus stuff for platinum patrons!
Potentially all the way with Johanna and a glimpse or Rachel's mom - what a day!