by Zed in
Announcement Game Release Shale Hill Secrets

Happy Saturday everyone! Why don’t we celebrate the weekend… the third installment of Shale Hill Secrets is here!

This episode is a long one that will help you learn more about the MC’s past, along with some new things about the people in his life. There is a lot of information to take in here, so please do take your time reading through as it’ll all be important for the future of the game.

We hope you enjoy this episode, thank you again for all your love! ❤️️

Patrons can click here to download the episode!


 by koen schotanus in August 9, 2021

when is dh ep 19 for free

 by Kenta in August 18, 2021

ok , so ... the last time a episode of Double Homework was released for free was in May , earlier it was one episode released for free each month . so i think that it is long overdue

 by kai in August 28, 2021

Come on guy's, Just set a date for DH19! i don't care if it gets delayed, it will atleast be something i can make time for. Me and my wife love this series so much, (and Amy looks alot like her) we're getting so impatient now, Just say wich month it could possibly be realeased or soemthing.

 by Bob in September 3, 2021

Hey, I was an august platinum patron but could not log in on the 31st to access the new bonus scene, is there a way that I could verify my membership and have it emailed or something?

 by Zed in September 6, 2021

Hey! Please email us at [email protected] or DM Ricky on Discord!

 by Kenneth in September 8, 2021

Is it not obvious... episodes for free every 6-8 weeks and endings every 6-8 months... I hope ;) Keep in mind that the people need to make a living and the 6 weeks release of free episodes is a possible ETA But all free fans, myself included, enjoy the ending episode, and the epilogues, when it/they cum ;P Big cheers to the Double Homework team... past and present. Awesome eyecandy. Thank you so much

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