Hello everyone!
Click here to see all the new preview images over on Patreon!
We hope everyone is keeping safe and well – and of course, we hope you’re excited for the next installment of Shale Hill Secrets.
Episode 4 is mostly complete. We are currently going through the last small tasks and starting to compile everything together ready for testing. This episode is huge: it includes two special scenes – and each one of them has more images than the whole asset budget of a normal Double Homework episode (plus, of course, our best animations so far!). This is a perfect example of why development per episode of SHS is longer than that of DH and DFD.
After almost two months in the oven, we are aiming to release it next weekend (around 9th/10th or earlier). This will give us enough time to compile everything and get testing to make sure it’s as good as can be for you all. We’ll also try our best to get the macOS build ready for launch day.
There is so much to look forward to in this episode, and we cannot wait for you to get stuck into it. For now, here’s another sneak peek!
We’ll see you all then for release,
The Love-Joint Team.
When are we either A) Getting the final part of DH for free or B) Getting these ones for free?