October’s Patreon content has been released! Thank you all so much for the support this month, we’re still a way from recovery, but we’re feeling a lot more confident than we were a few weeks ago. We hope this will tide you over until the release of Double Homework – Episode 19 in November!
If you’re coming from Palmer’s Patreon, please read this very important announcement we released earlier in the month.
There’s no October Patreon content released so is this a mess up?
What do you mean? The post literally links to the released content this month.
You might want to read the announcement on the bottom of the post
And no one is going to be getting refunded as creator is the one that has to give them out
Sadly that's completely out of our hands, please do contact Patreon as there is always a chance. I really wish we could help more but it's completely up to Patreon
So now here I am out of my money and I can’t even play the game I just paid for
Will episode 15 be released for free? Thank you in advance for your response and your work!
I am aware of your terrible loss and stress the past month and I am incredibly sorry for it. I still want to ask one question and please dont take it offending or something I just want to knwo. No pressure, ok? When do you guys think are you going to release the next free episode of Double Homework?
As soon as I found out about Palmer's death, my deepest condolences, although I didn't know him, his games helped me a lot this quarantine. ps: please put episode 14 for free.
Episode 14 is already free. Just go to Augusts posts.
is this for those that paid for nothing last 2 months, or only form new Patreon?
As explained here, we lost access to the old Patreon account (patreon.com/palmer) and there's nothing the team can do about it. The content linked on this post is a reward for those that joined the new Patreon page (patreon.com/lovevoint).
last release were delayed... also two month for one...
Sorry one of our developers died and that delayed the game...
episode 18 was delayed before... my parents died, my brother died, my friend died, my best friend wife died...
Oh sure, we kill someone in the team as an excuse every time we have a delay. Take your shit together. We've been doing monthly releases (95% of them in schedule) since 2018 when DFD started and our backlog is there to prove it.
Double Homework – Episode 18 slightly delayed. Current patrons will still get it! by Zed in August 27, 2020 September 26, 2020 Double Homework Episode 18 released for $10/$20 patrons! by Zed in September 19, 2020 Announcement Extremely Important and Sad Announcement. Please Read by Ricky in October 13, 2020 and charged 1 October, 1 September and August...
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make exactly? Episode 18 was slightly delayed yes, and we apologise for that, but people who paid for that month still had access to it. EP19 was obviously delayed again due to Palmer passing away, which was completely unexpected and heart-breaking for us all. Again, these are things out of our control, we don't have access to his Patreon to give refunds. It's as frustrating for us as much as it is you. Palmer was not just our colleague, he was a good friend to both of us so I find this really inconsiderate. "Two month for one" - patrons from that month still had access the month after, even if they unpledged. We still worked out hardest to get something out in October, which was an extremely difficult month for the team with things out of our control. As Ricky said, 95% of our games over the years have been released on time, monthly, we only delay them if really necessary. As we said, please reach out to Patreon regarding a refund for October, it's completely in their control. We cannot guarantee they will give one, but I have seen some be successful.
think about my point... is easy... i'm Patreon from DfD 2, and those 95% is a joke... episode 18 was paid... than charge in October for next, that should by 1 October... two week before Palmer dead... you work as team? but i think you don't understand was team work is... charge for October was not only for Palmer, should by shared for team... And why should i support now, before next episode (charged) is released? my work as book developer has many time to correct bad work from my collegues... for free...
I honestly don't understand completely what the big deal is. 1) When DH 18 was delayed we informed patrons beforehand. It was completely possible to cancel the pledge before October was charged and still get DH 18 as we explained in the post (we messaged the game link to all August patrons even if they didn't remain as patrons in October. No one was forced to pay twice for it). 2) We don't "sell" games per month in Patreon. Patreon isn't a game store. It is a crowdfunding platform people use to support creators they like. People support us because they like what we do. We do our best to make monthly releases so people have something new to look at every month and keep engaged with the project. Other creators in this business take they sweet time to release updates (sometimes several months). 3) I'm honestly not going to justify myself about the delay caused by Palmer's passing. It was a big disruption for the whole team. We lost ALL our funding suddenly, plus many other things. If you don't have empathy to understand that, I have nothing else to say about it.
retink what you write... i support your team 2 year... one project is more than year in alpha phase... why should i cancel my support? i thought episode 19 is comming, not delaying... is difficult to understand? tehere was any post about delay for episode 19... why lost you your funding? charge was 1 October, before Palmer died... "We don't "sell" games per month in Patreon"? no you make games that need support to play... other creators maka games on platform that don't need support to play... that come to pirate sites...
Thanks for supporting us for two years. I'm not engaging in this conversation anymore since is clear to me you are not understanding several things I'm explaining and this comment section is not practical to have a proper discussion. If you want, you can chat with us in our Discord channel and we can try to address your doubts.